We are excited to help you have the best prenatal care possible - care that meets your needs, and is provided with empathy and understanding.
Learn about why we created this clinic and who we aim to help
Meet our prenatal care providers, social workers, and community health workers and others who work behind the scenes.
What makes NAEBOR so great?
Prenatal care you deserve
Choose from our three prenatal care plans:
Traditional in clinic care
Virtual alternatives
Intense care for high-risk pregnancy
Find out about these plans here.
Black providers for Black Birthing People
At the NAEBOR medical group, we understand the importance of representation. We believe you will benefit from having your prenatal care provider look like you and understand your life experiences.
Meet our team virtually here.
Dedicated social workers
Social workers can help you navigate difficult situations including the complexities of the health care system to help you achieve optimal health and happiness. At the NAEBOR medical group, our social workers will help you get the most appropriate and timely assistance, in addition to providing you with the community resources that best meets your family’s maternal health needs.
Community Health Workers: your own NAEBOR
Community health workers are your neighbors, and will meet with you where you want. They are a key. part of your heath care team, and will help bridge the gap between medical services and your needs and wishes. Learn more about Community Health Workers from our partners at El Sol.
Community Connections
The NAEBOR medical group is dedicated to working with our community partners like the Maternal Health Network, Black Infant Health, and the Perinatal Equity Project. We want you to feel connected to your community and to find your “village of support” for a safe birth and a healthy family.

Insurances Accepted
If you are not insured, ask us about temporary MediCal benefits through the Presumptive Eligibility Program.